Our first time in Oklahoma with friends – what a fun time Mooch-docking! March 2023

In between TX and TN, we spent a few weeks with dear friends, whom we met in South Dakota in 2021! As I’ve said before, one of the best parts and most rewarding about traveling is the people you meet and Dwaine & Eldora are just the perfect example. They made a detour last year and had dinner with us in Montana and we finally worked out a time to visit them in OK. We enjoyed all our time with them, exploring the area, learning about OK and meeting some of their friends!

Our first night with our friends and G was invited to join their music jam – so much fun – music and stories!
Beautiful sunsets in OK and we were introduced to Braum’s Ice cream – G wanted to go everyday!
Notice what road we’re on?
Not something we’re used to seeing (being from NC) – Bison instead of cows.
We toured the Stafford Air and Space Museum. Lots of informative exhibits. (this tells about the next pic)
Actual flown Gemini – so cool!
A big kid
Actual simulator from NASA.
G was able to turn some things in our friend’s wood shop – he was in heaven!
And I got to do what I love, thanks to our gracious hosts!
Dinner at a local casino
And the best part – meeting great people! What a fun lunch!
First time we’ve seen lots of wind mills at night – had no idea their red lights are so bright after dark.
Until next time OK…we’ll be back!