Boondocking on the way to Maine! Sept. 4-5, 2021

We are members of a few groups that allow us to stay at certain campgrounds, either at a discount or no money out of pocket (the best)! But we always meet really nice and interesting people when we use Boondockers Welcome. Sometimes you stay at their homes for free or a minimal fee, for using their electric and water.

We stayed with nice couples at their homes, in Ira, NY and Holden, MA. In Ira, Garland got to show off his chops by backing out of their LOOONNNGGG driveway and turning around at the road. We arrived there really late so didn’t see much but the Mrs. invited me to the local farmer’s market the next morning – wish I could have gone, but we had to leave early. People are always so welcoming!

We didn’t even unhook here.
I didn’t capture the whole length of driveway – it was long! So peaceful back in the woods.
Farm across the road where a man was working with his Border Collies.

Arrived at the location in Holden earlier so we were able to take the dogs for a walk in their lovely neighborhood and do a bit of shopping. So beautiful! This couple had an older Airstream (which I love) that was being worked on.

We barely fit in their driveway – but it worked!
Love the New England homes, especially this purple one. Lovely evening and they had their windows open, enjoying the nice weather.