Adventures in Kansas continued: Kansas Largest Night Rodeo 7/23/21 in Pretty Prairie

When our Boondocker’s Welcome hosts told us about the Pretty Prairie Rodeo/the largest night rodeo in Kansas, we just had to extend our time to go! Originally, we were only staying on their farm for one week. I’ve only been to a rodeo at PNC Arena in Raleigh and it was not quite the same. This was a “real” rodeo. And when we found out there was a dance with a live band after – well we just had to go!

I enjoyed everything but LOVED the barrel racing. We had great seats, right in front of one of the barrels so we could watch them approach and see the horse dig deep to get around quickly. G liked the roping events most. The horses are trained to stand still or back up to keep tension on the rope, when the cowboy is tying down the steer. The Clydesdale horses were very impressive and then when the baby Clydesdale, named Joker, joined the team on the field and seemed to lead then around – it was so much fun. The kids all had fun with the mutton races, but I didn’t see any stay on for more than a couple seconds. 🙂

We ate really good/but bad for us food! The dance turned out to be too crowded to dance but we tried to do just a a little – we wore our boots for dancing!

You can’t see, but I’m wearing my red boots too!
They honored our Military and First Responders – very cool!
I love watching horses in action! Only wish I was on one!
The baby Joker!
You CANNOT eat a funnel cake with powdered sugar and not get some on you!

I did give G a little!

Realize that I don’t have any photos of the bull riding – I’ll upload some later.

Silos outside rodeo arena

Stay tuned for our next stop – Nebraska!